Monday, January 20, 2014

Martin Luther King Day


My First Blog

Let me first say that this is the first time I have ever decided to blog. I have never shared my feelings, thoughts or dreams in this way before, and I think we need more people that can blog about things that are important to blog about to better the lives of many. I finally decided to challenge myself to do that so that my message can reach out to others who is trying to do the same, and who are curious about the world we live in. I hope to inspire people to question their surroundings, which is why this blog mainly will cover people and things that can help each and every one of us to contribute positively to this world.

Martin Luther King Day

I believe it is a great time to start blogging on a day where an important man is remembered. MLK was an activist, humanitarian and a leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. We should not forget to follow the ideas of people that have impacted our society in such a great way, every day. I believe we are reminded of how we have to act towards other people too few times of the year, and the message does not even reach to all of the worlds population. We should remind ourselves to constantly respect life regardless of its background, color, form, size, beliefs or whatever it may be. Let us remind ourselves that MLK day should be every day. Similar to when Nelson Mandela passed away, an entire world remembered him for the great things that he did for his nation, and for human beings in general, but then we find our selves forgetting to live by the ideas of such great people all the time, in a constant state. We should remember them not only at times when they pass away, or once a year, but do it every day, all the time. How beautiful would the world be if we all was constantly aware of our own actions, which affects us all. The two names  I have mentioned are only a few of many people that have contributed positively to our world in different ways. Injustice is prevalent around us, it is in front of us all the time and it is about time we stop contributing to the unjust systems around us.

“Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’
 But conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ 
And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but because conscience tells one it is right.”- MLK

Not only did MLK go against a system that did not believe in him as a person, but he managed to do so and make a difference. He managed to open the minds of millions, he was able to make many people that were not willing to listen to him listen, he opened the eyes of the blind and ignorant people that did not want to see or realize that injustice was going on in front of them. Why should our generation except any injustice? I at least will not settle for unjust systems or be happy with a poisonous environment that our children will be born into. This is why we should not contribute to the negativity in our society in any way by living our lives with hate towards others. Many mention how the society has a negative affect on us all, but we forget that each individual are key players and contributors to that. We should remember to change the negative that we contribute to all the time and neither should we follow anything that does the same.
Happy MLK-day, every day!


  1. Nice read, and congrats on you'r first read Sammymummy! lol

    1. Thank you my friend, I appreciate you took the time to read it!

  2. This blog is now marked as a favorite, and I will read it continuously! You are truly amazing Samah, I am very proud of you!

    1. Thank you Mikaela! It means a lot coming from you, and I am very proud of you as well! :)

  3. Hey Samah����. Congratulations on you first blog. Love the first entry.. well written and beautiful expressed. I love that you aim on spreading positivity on your blog. Loved the quote" injustice is prevelant around us... its about time we stop contributing to the unjust system around us. GREAT WORK!!! Looking forward to more
